Juggling Life: Family, Work, and New Inspirations
18. January 2025 // Nia // 6:00 PM

Hello everyone!
The past few weeks have been a whirlwind – time to give you all an update!
Let’s start with the most exciting news: My baby has started saying "dadadad," "mamamama," and "bababa"! It’s incredibly adorable to hear him babble, and I could listen to him for hours. 😍 Every day he comes up with something new, and it’s just amazing to witness these little milestones. Time is flying by so fast, and sometimes I wish it would slow down a bit so I could savor every moment even more.
But I’ve also been reflecting a lot about myself. Sometimes I wonder if everything in my life happened too quickly – the relationship, having a child, and all the big changes. It’s not always easy to juggle everything. During those quiet moments when my son is asleep, I often think about the past few years. But then I see my little boy smile, and everything feels just right. Still, I want to make more time to be present and truly enjoy the moments.
A big topic in our household right now is my husband’s work-related challenges. He works from 10 AM to 7 PM with hardly any flexible hours, which makes it difficult to plan spontaneous family time. You can tell that his job is very demanding. The long hours and heavy workload are taking a toll on him, and I worry that he might burn out eventually. We talk a lot about how we could improve the situation, but finding a solution has been tough so far. It’s hard to watch him come home so tired and stressed sometimes. Even so, he always gives his best for us, and I admire him deeply for that.
Another thing that has been on my mind lately is my health and well-being. I’m still struggling with hypochondria and trying to avoid panic attacks. It’s a constant up and down, but I’m working on managing my fears better. Small steps, but progress nonetheless! Creating little routines has been especially helpful in giving me structure and helping me focus on the positives.
On a lighter note, I’ve recently become a huge fan of Survive Said The Prophet! Their music is so powerful and emotional, and I can’t stop listening to them. It’s been such a great escape and source of inspiration for me lately.
Speaking of updates, as you can see, the website finally got a brand-new layout! I was so tired of those endless blue tones. It was time for a fresh look, and I’m really happy with the changes. Along with the layout, I also introduced a new graphics update, which has been super exciting to work on. It feels great to give the site a fresh vibe and showcase something I’m proud of.
That’s it from me for now. Life might be a bit chaotic sometimes, but it’s also beautiful. I’m looking forward to hearing your tips and ideas!
Take care and stay healthy! 🌸
Happy Holidays!
24st December 2024 / 11:00PM

Hello everyone and happy holidays. :D
I have not been in touch for a while now. Thank you for your kind support and encouragement regarding my work. The matter has also been resolved - I won't get my actual job back, but my boss has accommodated me with the working hours so that they have been adjusted to the daycare center. I have also been assured in writing that I will be allowed to work in the south of the country again in the middle of the year.
So I've spent the last few weeks spending time with my family because I have to go back to work soon, and to be honest I don't really feel like it because my team isn't really ... likeable.
Today I celebrated Christmas Eve in a very sensual way, opened my presents and also gave my boyfriend his presents. I don't know about you, but here in Luxembourg the children get their presents around 6pm on December 24th and then we eat. Please tell me about your traditions, I would love to hear about them.
My husband gave me a tattoo voucher this year (I got 5 tattoos in the last 6 months haha) and a Hisoka Funko Pop figure, a Pokémon coloring book, and a Hisoka sweater. I gave him the Apple Airpods Max in purple and a Faber Castell colored pencil set. I like to give expensive gifts but don't expect anything expensive in return, it's about the gesture because my boyfriend is someone who is very modest and would never buy himself the things he wants, even if he had the financial means to do so. Feel free to tell me what was under your Christmas tree. :D
Our son has gotten sooooo much from my mom, she is sooo infatuated with the little one that sometimes I don't believe it's supposed to be my mom haha
Tomorrow we have dinner with my parents-in-law and on December 26th we're celebrating with my grandmother.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your days with your loved ones and I wish you a happy new year if we don't read each other again before then. ♥